Get it all at our one stop shop: web design, web development and hosting

Uisce takes care of everything: web design, development and hosting

Do you go for stunning, efficient and easy? You have come to the right place here at Uisce. We do not only take care of your web design and web development, but also of your web hosting! We can make you an appealing and converting website and  ensure that it runs in a safe and stable place to boot. Do you already have a website? In that case we can move it. Do you want a new URL ( your domain name, aka your web address or internet address)? That’s another thing we can arrange for you. We are truly a one stop shop; you don’t need anyone else but us.

Worry-free web design, web development and hosting

We use the services of our sister company, Full Service Hosting, for our hosting clients. They specialise in unburdening people of all their hosting needs. Life is busy enough as it is without having to deal with stuff that isn’t your core business. Why spend your valuable time figuring out how to get your hosting up and running, creating email addresses, updating WordPress installations and plugins, et cetera, if there are professionals who can do it for you? Full Service Hosting takes care of all this for a reasonable price.

Offer: two months free hosting plus 10% off web development

To introduce you to our services, we’re going to make you an offer you can’t refuse :). If you choose us now and go for the full monty, i.e. purchase a website from us including hosting, we’ll give you the first two months for free. And… because you are going for the full package, we also offer you a 10% discount on your web development quote. Want to know more? Please feel free to contact us. We’ll discuss the options, no strings attached.